estoy camote.!!

As I have been super busy recently with my father – I thought we could revisit one of my favorite idioms from my time in Mexico. Especially since it translates to being busy 🙂 Enjoy.!!


camote or sweet potato courtesy of camote or sweet potato courtesy of

I love words and idioms and expressions.! And yesterday I realized that I had not yet introduced all of you to one of my favorite expressions from my time in Mexico.! So I think today is the day to make that introduction.! One day I was Facebook chatting with one of my male friends, we were bantering back and forth like a tennis match. But at one point, when he took too long to answer one of my messages, I sent him the following retort – “?????”. To which he replied, “EspĂ©rame, estoy camote.” Translation – “Wait for me, I’m a sweet potato.????” What.?!?

Apparently, in the Yucatán, if you are so busy that you are discombobulated or a little crazy, you can say “estoy camote” and it means “I’m busy”. It’s usually used by maseros or waiters when

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Something light-hearted to begin the month with since May was so difficult. Please enjoy one of my earlier posts on the joy and confusion on saying “see you later” in Mexico 🙂


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Saying goodbye in Spanish is difficult. And I don’t just mean emotionally difficult where you do not want to leave the person or the country. Though that is hard to do.! And I also do not mean linguistically difficult as in the pronunciation is complicated. Though, in some instances that can be tricky too.! No, I mean saying goodbye is difficult in the sense that there are so many ways to say goodbye and most of the time I don’t know when to use which expression. As well as, sometimes the goodbye goes on for a rather extended period and I don’t know how to end it politely.!

Most Americans (and other Westerners) are familiar with adios and hasta luego. The former means ‘goodbye’ and the latter means ‘see you later’. However, very few times did I hear either of these expressions used. Hasta luego might

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si, si, comprendo…

A cute story from my time in Mexico when my Spanish was rusty and my Russian non-existent.!! Enjoy.!!


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A universal translator is a device that allows instant translation of any language. It is usually found in science fiction movies and the languages translated are usually alien ones. One example is the universal translator used by Uhura in Star Trek in 1966. Another example is an actual robot that can translate, R2-D2 himself, in Star Wars in 1977. I remember as a kid thinking that the universal translator was a cool device and I wished it was real. Remember, I learned English at the lovely age of 5. But of course that idea seemed as farfetched as Scotty beaming us down to another planet.

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However, unlike the ability to beam, some science fiction ideas have come to fruition in the very recent past. Now, most people communicate with each other through a Bluetooth. A device very similar to the coms used on Star

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“calmate rosa”

I am still working on being calm…I mean I’m Croatian after all. But I’m getting better. Here’s a reminder from two years ago…


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A todos mis amigos Mexicanos que con frecuencia decían: “Calmate Rosa” – al parecer no es posible – jajajaja..!! Or in English, to all my Mexican friends who frequently decried: “Calm yourself Rose” – apparently it’s not possible – hahaha..!!

In one of my earlier posts, I described the Mexican concept of mañana. In this concept, life is too short to be lived on tight schedules and should be enjoyed. Rigid schedules are only for buses and airplanes. Since this was Memorial weekend here in the states, I decided to embrace the concept of mañana again..!! I had several friends visiting and I wanted to enjoy the weekend to the fullest.

But this weekend, I was also thinking about the Mexican phrases calmate and tranquilo – calm yourself and tranquil. The weekend was such a hectic blur of people, traffic, cars and crazy energy..!! So many

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money can’t buy you love….

I shared this video early on in my blogging career. I really love it.! And since I have so many new followers who probably haven’t seen it, I thought today was a good day to revisit it. Enjoy.!!


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Or happiness for that matter
 But, on the other hand, it does buy you peace of mind. You don’t have to worry about paying your rent, paying your bills, or paying those you owe. It also gives you independence and the freedom to make choices. Without money, you end up indebted sometimes in more ways than one. And besides my father, that is one of the main reasons I returned from Mexico. I knew I was never going to make the kind of money that would have given me the freedom I so desire. And boy do I desire that freedom – to breathe easy, to travel, to live..!!

And in honor of that amazing dream, I want to talk about the new one hundred dollar bill which made it’s debut recently.! It’s pretty savvy.!! Plus it has several advanced security features.! For starters, it has

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dirty laundry…

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The above meme, “Los trapitos sucios van aqui, no aqui“, translates into “The dirty laundry goes here (inside the laundry basket), and not here (FB)”.

I tend to agree with that statement. Enough said for today. See you for Corona tomorrow 🙂

Pinche blog..!!

As I’m still traveling, here’s another very early original blog post.!! It’s about my favorite topic…no not food…my second favorite topic.!! Swear words..!! Please enjoy and see you for Dos Equis over the weekend 🙂


**Warning – swear word alert**

worthless fucking bastard - courtesy of ‘worthless fucking bastard’ – courtesy of

I have to admit I swear a lot. Damn has probably been one of my most favorite swear words. It fits perfectly in every occasion. Damn this
damn that
pick up the damn phone. You get the drift.

When I moved to Mexico, I learned a lot of swear words early on. People enjoyed telling them to me and hearing me parrot them back. Some sick twisted game they enjoyed playing with the new gabacha..!! Gabacha refers to an English speaking, non-Hispanic woman by the way. However, I never truly felt comfortable with any of the swear words. That is until I learned about pinche.

worthless asshole teacher - he put me as missing but I answered - courtesy of ‘worthless asshole teacher – he put me as missing but I answered’ – courtesy of

Technically, pinche refers to a kitchen boy. It’s the guy (or gal) who cleans up the Chef’s

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Graxias is the slang spelling for gracias in Mexico. It’s the same way in which some people nowadays spell the word girl as gurl.! It’s about pronunciation, being kool rather than cool, and hip.!! And it’s just one of the many blessings I am grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Learning Spanish was difficult, but added to that painstaking tutorial was learning Mexican slang Spanish and texting Spanish.! Somehow I survived and lived to tell the tale 🙂 For all of my tutors, I am extremely grateful. Even though you all did laugh at me sometimes…or was it all the time.!?! jajaja

me cutting the thanksgiving turkey in playa

me cutting the thanksgiving turkey in playa

I’m also thankful for all my lovely readers and fellow bloggers.! Thank you for reading my posts.! Thank you for your fantastic comments.! And likes.! Thank you for making me feel a part of the blog community.! Some of you I feel are even more like friends 🙂

Of course, I am grateful for my friends, my family, my home, and my job.!! It’s been a rollercoaster year, but I’m grateful to be alive and present. I’m not cooking this year…just making pumpkin pie…or several.! When I was in Playa, I alternated between cooking (the year I had a stove!) and going to one of the many restaurants that served Thanksgiving dinner such as Wicky’s or Wah Wah Bar.! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.!! See you Friday.!!

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achoo.!!! sancho.!

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The weather in Chicago is getting colder.! Unfortunately, this predicament brings about the need for jackets, hats, and gloves. It also brings about allergies, colds, and flus.! Yucky.! But this is not a blog about germs dear readers. Not to worry. It’s about what happens when we sneeze from our allergies, colds, and flus. You hear “bless you”, “salud“, “salut“, or “gesundheit“.! All of which mean health in Spanish, French, and German. In other countries, you are wished long life or your personal god is invoked.

There are two main reasons for sneezes getting special attention. Firstly, a sneeze unlike a burp can be a predictor of a forthcoming illness. So you are wished health and good living by your compatriots. Also, in some cultures, the prevalent superstition held that a sneeze could allow your soul to escape or a demon to enter.! Hmmm….I think I’ll take a cold any day. Hence, the expression “God bless you.” In today’s world; however, saying one of those lovely epithets has really become a habit and common courtesy.

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Now, of course, the Mexicans have everyone beat. When they are being polite, many say “salud“. However, if you know the person sneezing very well, you can also say “sancho“. Sancho is a name, but it is also Mexican slang for the ‘other guy’. Therefore, when your guy friend sneezes, you are basically implying that Sancho is at his house with his woman.!! jajaja

It also applies to your female friends.!! Except, you would say “sancha!” Of course, implying that Sancha is at the house with your man.! For some reason, this never failed to amuse all of us at work.!!! One of the many reasons I enjoyed living in Mexico was their ability to be deferential and irreverent at the same time.! No one understands my sancho/sancha comments here in the U.S. and it’s become another cultural euphemism I miss a lot. Hopefully, dear readers, I can get you to play along with me 🙂 A-aaachoooo.!!!

It’s 4pm somewhere.!!

Hello Everyone.!! I started my new job this week and it’s been super busy.!! Please enjoy this earlier blog post.!! I promise to have a fresh post for you by Friday 🙂


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When I first learned about chopsticks, I wanted to learn how to use them.!! Unfortunately, I was not very talented. In the beginning, it was like an endurance test. How long could I last.? First it was five minutes, then eventually 10 minutes. My fingers would cramp up. I would sweat. I couldn’t pick up the wet rice at the bottom. At some point, I would surrender and grab a fork or a spoon.

Then I would stuff my mouth with impunity. You would have thought I hadn’t eat in days. I was so impatient to learn and so disheartened at how long it was taking. But finally, after what seemed like thousands of bowls of shrimp fried rice and noodles, I could last the entire meal. I had finally mastered chopsticks. It became a new source of pride for me.!!

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And then my

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